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Welcome to Get Psyched platform 🥳
This is a page not only for people in the field of psychology, but for everyone interested in acquiring knowledge about human functioning and getting to understand people better.
Psychology is a field that helps to foster understanding about human complexities, integrating theories and practices to help people live a better life.
Stay tuned and get psyched😉


Humans are the only animal that experience chronic stress and worry...


"Motivation is overvalued, environment often matters more"
This is an article by James Clear on the impact of our environment and society on human behaviour.
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This is phenomenon known as the negativity bias. It explains how sometimes we are naturally negative over things. Being positive demands effort. Negativity needs no effort, as weeds don't need manure.

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No one is dumb, we are just differentially intelligent.
This was proved by Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence.


This also stretches the fact that your mind can creat realities that does not yet exist, which ultimately attract that reality that is dominant in your thought.
It underlines the saying that, "As you think, so are you".


This is to a platform to get general psychological knowledge, articles and facts.


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